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About Us

About Us

Who We Are

Founded in 1994 by Glenn Swanson CADC II, MBA, His House is an established and recognized leader in addiction treatment services. Our core philosophies are compassion, integrity and honesty.

Our Founder

Glenn Swanson, CADCII, MBA, is personally familiar with the ravenous struggles of addiction. His journey to sobriety also makes him intimately familiar with the life-confirming rewards that come with rehabilitation. Glenn has followed the calling of his heart and the beacon of his faith, endeavoring to provide safe and effective treatment for people in the same position he once was.

Prior to the 1990s, Glenn was a periodic but consistent user of cocaine. He would manage to get on the wagon for brief periods, but he always kept stumbling back down the road to the drug. Like most people struggling with addiction, he knew that the drug was the problem; however, he could never permanently eliminate the problem. His wife had had enough. She dropped him off at a long-term treatment center and bid him farewell.

Devastated over the loss of his family and job, Glenn came to understand that cocaine wasn’t the real issue — he was in spiritual crisis. Realizing he had to start from the absolute bottom, Glenn devoted himself to the directions of the program. He cleaned the toilets. He read the literature they told him to read. He found a sponsor and worked the 12 steps whole-heartedly – getting through the 9th step while still in residential treatment.

A Brighter Future

On September 27, 1994, Glenn founded his first addiction facility – a Sober Living home for men in Upland, California. With the help of several friends, he painted, furnished, and repaired a beat-up old house. All on an extremely small budget, and in only 4 days! Volunteering with groups such as Local Counseling Associates in Upland, California, Glenn found people he could help; within 30 days, all 10 beds in the Upland facility were full.

Within two years, Glenn was working full time as a counselor, and also had managed to establish 47 Sober Living beds for men. During this time and for the next three years, Glenn never received any pay for his tireless work helping men recovery from addiction — it was a ministry for him.

Always learning, Glenn continued to improve himself and others, finding a mentor in the process. Glenn’s mentor laid out an arduous and demanding educational plan for him. While going back to school he worked with adolescents, ran an outpatient treatment program, and volunteered at the Salvation Army. Glenn, divinely inspired, considered this time a gift to him, which he was determined to give back to the community. During this time, he received his CADC licensing.

By the year 2001, Glenn began working with the state, taking in parolees who needed a safe place to live and outpatient drug and alcohol treatment services. He received his certification for Outpatient Treatment and continue to work personally with his clients to help them build their own lives, strength, and compassion back up.

Compassionate and approachable, Glenn is always eager to tell entertaining and inspirational stories to share his experience, strength, and hope. He lights up when talking with residential clients about his experience before and during his own journey to sobriety, as well as giving tips and pointers about the challenges and hardships we face after leaving treatment.

Because Glenn’s calling was to help other sufferers through a spiritual connection, he decided against getting his Master’s Degree in theology because it would not directly connect him with the people he was sworn to help.

“I wanted to be the guy who’d gotten help and is reaching back to help someone else with my hand firmly in God’s grip.”

Having already earned his CADC license, and having established a business, he decided on a MBA, which would extend his reach to more people.

A deeply Christian and spiritual man, Glenn is refreshingly humble for a leader who has helped so many people rehabilitate and rebuild their lives. Working hard to follow God’s path and to help those in need overcome their demons, Glenn recognized that no one persona can do everything, so he surrounded himself with people who could fill in the gaps — exceptionally well.

Married to his high school sweetheart for over 30 years, and proud father of three beautiful grown children, and known by colleagues, clients, and employees as a grateful man of integrity, strong faith, and honor. Glenn is of course an active member at his church, Harvest Ministries.

Specialists in addiction therapy and recovery

Our staff boasts highly qualified and licensed specialists in addiction and dual diagnosis treatment; from therapists to pastors to house managers we provide empathetic, personalized care for our clients.

Our specialists focus both on the physical aspects of recovery such as withdrawal treatment and nutrition and the psychological ones, like various therapies and mental disorder treatment. Many of our staff are in recovery themselves, so we understand what each individual patient is going through.

Our staff runs one-on-one sessions with therapists as well as group discussions that encourage conversation and personal growth.

Specialists in psychiatry and mental health

Beyond the physical effects on the body caused by addiction are mental ones – the brain can be a casualty too. There are often many mental health issues wrapped up in a patient’s addiction, usually exacerbated by the side effects of the drug or drugs and the symptoms of withdrawal.

We work with psychiatrists and psychology, who can provide one-on-one analysis, as well as a talented and caring mental health support staff, who provide service to inpatient clients around the clock. Some withdrawal symptoms can last for weeks at a time and can include profound depression, including suicidal thoughts. At His House our patients’ safety is the highest priority, which is why our mental health support staff is ready to help 24/7.

Specialists in nutrition and wellness

We are first and foremost concerned with the health and wellbeing of the clients in our care.

Addiction can deprive the body of so much, so we can provide our clients with fitness classes, personal trainers and yoga instructors run by people who have a real passion for health and wellbeing. Our wellness-focused staff includes, in addition to the exercise specialists and yoga guides, an in-house nutritionist and chef who will help design a nutrient-packed diet for each client, helping them recuperate from the ravages of addiction more quickly.

Our team is diverse in their talents. We go far beyond our professional specialties; we’re proud that all our team members can contribute with unique skill sets.

Specialists in spirituality and healing

Faith is often the most important influence in people’s lives and even more so in their addiction recoveries, especially when they’re searching for greater meaning and a sense of wellness they may have lost during the struggle with addiction. Strength often comes from within, but feeling watched over and cared for by a higher power can be just as important.

Many of our team are guided by their love of God and a sense of spirituality. We give clients the opportunity to engage with other people of faith, who facilitate group sessions and Bible classes.

Get Your Life Back On Track! Our Intake Coordinators are ready for your call 24 hours a day:

(877) 345-4138
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