Drug Addiction Treatment

Drug addiction is often defined as the compulsive use of one or more substances despite negative consequences. The chronic use of alcohol and/or substances often leads to jails, institutions, and death. Addictions adversely affect the centers of the brain responsible for impulse control, motivation, learning, judgment, and reward. In addition, other areas such as work, family life, school, and relationships may also be impacted.

A Deeper Look into Drug Addiction

Drug addiction is a disease that can linger chronically in a person’s life when left untreated. A person with this affliction displays the most obvious symptom of obsessively intense pursuit and use of drugs, despite knowing how damaging these substances can be to the brain. In the long run, drug users tend to display negative and harmful behavior due to damage to brain function. Unfortunately, since the disease of addiction is incurable, drug users who may have already recovered may still return to their old drug habits.

The long, arduous road of drug addiction can begin with seemingly harmless experimentation. Over time, however, a user’s decision-making skills become compromised, and ultimately, drug use turns into a compulsive habit. This can be attributed to the damaging effects of drugs on brain function. Addiction has a detrimental effect on areas of the brain related to:

  • Memory and learning
  • Motivation and reward
  • Behavioral control

In a nutshell, addiction has been found to negatively affect both brain wellness and behavioral health.

Treatment for Drug Addiction

Effective treatment for drug addiction is available. However, it is not as simple or easy as going to the doctor and getting cured after a few visits. Since addiction is chronic, most users require long-term or continuous care in order for successful rehabilitation and complete recovery to be possible. Becoming drug-free is one thing; staying drug-free is an entirely different one. Our staff of professional drug addiction treatment specialists can help you stay on this road to recovery, no matter how rocky or bumpy it can be.

“Every worthy act is difficult. Ascent is always difficult. Descent is easy and often slippery.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Understanding Drug Addiction Treatment for Men

We acknowledge and follow these basic guiding principles as a sound basis for effective treatment:

  • However complex addiction may be, treatment is possible.
  • Treatment varies on a case-to-case basis. Each individual’s physiology and psychology is unique. So are his set of personal experiences and background related to his drug use.
  • For treatment to truly take effect, the patient’s overall needs must be addressed. Focusing on his drug use problem alone is not sufficient.
  • Drug addiction requires long-term treatment in order to be completely eradicated. The time factor is critical to effective rehabilitation.
  • Treatment generally includes counseling and behavioral therapy.
  • To maximize the efficiency of treatment, there may also be a need to incorporate medications with therapy.
  • Patients’ needs are subject to constant change. Thus, a treatment plan should be assessed and adjusted on a regular basis so that it remains well-suited to the patient and made more effective.
  • Treatment must not be single-focused. Addiction is, after all, a multifaceted disease that affects both brain wellness and behavioral health. Thus, treatment should not be limited solely to drug independence and freedom from addiction. It should also watch out for and address relevant mental illnesses that generally come with addiction.
  • Whether a patient was admitted to rehabilitation voluntarily or compulsorily, treatment can still be effective either way. We are open to those who are willing to accept our assistance and even to those who deny their obvious need for help.
  • Prior to admission, a patient must first be tested for infectious diseases, such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, Hepatitis B and C, etc. We follow this protocol for the health and safety of the patient, as well as for the health, safety, and protection of patients and healthcare providers.

Our Facilities

Our treatment facilities for drug addiction provide well-structured, intensive care 24 hours a day. By accepting our helping hand, you could lead a drug-free, healthy, and fuller life.

Our Holistic Drug Addiction Treatment

In our comprehensive program, patients can expect to:

  • Be detoxified of drugs to maximize the potential for drug independence.
  • Undergo behavioral health improvement through counseling. Patients are subject to individual or group sessions.
  • Receive necessary medication.
  • Be evaluated and treated for other mental health disorders that co-occur with addiction. A wide-ranging and multidimensional care plan that covers medical as well as mental health issues when necessary is the key to a successful treatment.
  • Be given regular and long-term follow-up care options (family- or community-based) for the prevention of relapses.

Benefits of Treatment

By subjecting yourself or your loved one to proper treatment, you could benefit from the following:

  • Behavioral therapy could help with modifying the patient’s attitude and behavior in relation to drug use, increasing positive and sustainable life skills, and keeping up with and sticking to other treatment methods (i.e., medication).
  • Specifically, cognitive behavioral therapy could help the patient in recognizing, avoiding, and coping with inevitable circumstances in which he is tempted to return to his drug habits.
  • Medications can help in properly managing withdrawal symptoms, preventing relapses, and treating other conditions that co-occur with addiction.

Our team of professional healthcare providers is skilled and trained in assessing, evaluating, and treating patients to be freed from drug addiction. With our assistance, you or your loved one will be able to reap and enjoy the benefits of successful treatment.

“Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

For more information on our comprehensive treatment programs, visit our drug addiction treatment center page.

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