Behavioral Health Treatment Program

25% of Americans suffer from mental health issues. You may not be aware of it, but you really aren’t alone in your journey. Whether suffering from mental disorders or substance abuse, His House is always ready to assist you on the road to recovery.

Behavioral Health Program

Our Behavioral Health program for men could be of great help to you or your love one. We follow a comprehensive approach in our men’s treatment programs.

Our Commitment

His House’s only goal is to help treat patients with addiction and behavioral health issues. We wish for them to be able to restore health and wellness so that they will be able to lead relatively normal lives and build lasting relationships. Our staff consists of professional behavioral health experts who are sensitive to the needs of all types of patients, whatever their affliction may be. Hand in hand, we’ll work together as partners in designing a treatment plan that will best suit the individual needs of each patient.

Behavioral Health Treatment Program

It is our firm belief that for those who are willing to seek help for mental disorders or substance abuse and addiction, external support and empowerment must overshadow the shame and embarrassment that can come with treatment.

Focusing specifically on incorporating behavioral health with primary care, our team applies a positive method of care to men suffering from mental health problems. Basically, we aim to:

Understanding Behavioral Health

Behavioral health refers not only to mental wellbeing. It also covers the emotional aspect.

Unfortunately, however, it is not uncommon that a family or a community fails to notice the importance of behavioral health until negative repercussions start manifesting. This is where we come in. We hope to educate people about the significance of improving and restoring behavioral health to help combat substance abuse and addiction, as well as teaching methods to cope with mental health disorders. With our assistance, you could gain back the control over your life.

“It is those of us who have been broken that become experts at mending.“ – Dr. Steve Maraboli

What to Expect From the Program

Most illnesses presented to psychologists and other health care providers are rooted in stress and deep emotional triggers. We designed our program based on this recognition and understanding. With high hopes, we wish to somehow improve our patients’ overall health and wellness.

Our Integrative Method of Care

Behavioral health problems negatively affect a person’s general health, consequently disabling him from following and adhering to treatment for other medical conditions. Personal and social interaction, as well as work performance and productivity, are also affected. Understanding this, our clinical teams are always able and ready to assist you. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Our trained and experienced staff will initially ask you a predesigned set of questions. This can make the proper identification of behavioral health issues (and their possible correlation to other medical problems such as hypertension or diabetes) easier and more accurate.
  • Having collected the comprehensive details and background information regarding the patient, our staff is then able to devise a sound and efficient care plan that can cover and address all aspects of his condition.

Benefits of Behavioral Health Treatment

Behavioral health and well being play critical roles in your personal, social, and professional life.

“What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality.” – Plutarch

Thus, improving and restoring it is imperative. Here are some of the many benefits of behavioral health treatment.

Restoring behavioral health can dramatically improve quality of life (QOL).

Stress is something that no one can actually be free of. However, it is something that can be managed in a healthy and sustainable manner in order to keep it from catapulting into deep-rooted anxiety and depression. When a person is better equipped to handle stress and free from the clutches of addiction and other mental disturbances, he could lead a happier, more peaceful, and fulfilling life.

Behavioral health treatment can strengthen and support your ability in:

Behavioral health treatment can drastically reduce medical costs

Studies show that individuals who have appropriately received behavioral health treatment will potentially spend less for medical services. For instance, a certain case study of individuals suffering from anxiety disorders has shown that after treatment, medical visits were cut back by 90%, laboratory expenses by 50%, and total medical costs by 35%.

On the other hand, further studies show that with the absence of the necessary diagnosis and treatment, the mentally ill person’s tendency to visit the doctor’s office is double that of someone who has received treatment.

Inability to cope with stress and anxiety contributes to physical disorders such as:

  • Hypertension
  • Nervous indigestion
  • Ulcer
  • Colitis

Behavioral health issues also weaken the body’s immune system, which in turn increases its vulnerability to illnesses that range from cancer and down to common colds.

In a nutshell, it can be said that by focusing on behavioral health, you are hitting two (or more) birds with one stone. His House can give you a map to help you regain control of your life.

“Healing doesn’t mean the damage never existed. It means the damage no longer controls our lives.“ – Anonymous

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