Christian Rehab Treatment Center

Christian Rehab Treatment

Spirituality in addiction recovery can make the entire rehab process a lot easier, as it allows you to give up control and hand it over to whatever higher power you choose. Faith can be the perfect option when it comes to trying to understand the weakness most people associate with an addiction. If you are trying to figure out a way to get past your addiction, or you are struggling after a traditional rehab environment did not work for you, then you may want to consider the faith-based rehab program for men here at His House.

Growing Your Relationship with God While Healing Yourself

One of the most amazing parts of a spiritual rehab program is that it works on the basis of a single religion (Christianity), but does not require you to pick a specific religion to enjoy the benefits of the program. You can explore your own spirituality during each of the sessions of your treatment, and still get the benefits of going to rehab.

“The priority of any addict is to anesthetize the pain of living to ease the passage of day with some purchased relief.“ – Russell Brand

Christian rehab for men gives you the ability to face the mistakes in your life, and ask for guidance on how to move forward. Faith-based rehab programs are based on the outline of a 12 step addiction treatment program, and allow you to move forward when you feel comfortable. You do not need to feel rushed but can take your time to complete each step prior to taking on the next. The basics of each step are as follows:

  1. Admitting you are powerless over your specific addiction
  2. Figuring out you can still have hope when you turn to your higher power
  3. Handing your struggles over to that higher power and asking for help
  4. Look at who you truly are based on your choices and actions
  5. Admitting your faults to the higher power you chose at the beginning
  6. Readying yourself to have those faults fixed by the higher power
  7. Asking that those faults be fixed once you have readied yourself
  8. List out all of the people who were hurt by your addiction directly
  9. Make things right with the people you hurt during your addiction
  10. Looking at you are regularly and fixing any faults you see along your journey
  11. Meditate (often through prayer) to learn the direction you should head next
  12. Help others begin and navigate this process

The Teachings of the Christian Track Program Expand Beyond His House

Men in the His House Christian treatment program will learn many things while working their way through the program. You will learn about discipleship, which allows you to gain insight as to how you can help yourself and others with their recovery journey through the teachings of the Bible. You will also learn how prayer can drive your path through the different parts of recovery.

“There is a yearning that is as spiritual as it is sensual. Even when it degenerates into addiction, there is something salvageable from the original impulse that can only be described as sacred. Something in the person (dare we call it a soul?) wants to be free, and it seeks its freedom any way it can…. There is a drive for transcendence that is implicit in even the most sensual of desires.” – Mark Epstein

You will be given opportunities to worship so that you can connect with your higher power on a deeper level. You will also be offered the fellowship of prayer with other men in your situation so that you can build a mutually beneficial support network as you progress through spiritual addiction recovery. The ministry will also help you get to know others who were once in your shoes, but have now moved further ahead in their respective journeys.

All of these different influences will help you gain confidence and strength while you are staying at His House, but they will also be there to help you when you are out in the regular world. It will offer you ways of understanding the positions of others, and offer you a level of tolerance that you may not have had without these teachings. His House Christian track alumni learn how to reach out to those around them, and bond through mutual experience and faith.

His House Is Dedicated to Helping You Succeed

His House is dedicated to helping men who want to seek a deeper relationship with God during their rehab from drugs or alcohol. It is a delicate balance, but we have the experience to help you achieve it. Call us today, and let us help you connect your spiritual path to your recovery path while getting over your addiction.

If you need additional support, consider exploring our Solution Focused Brief Therapy program, or our Cognitive Behavioral Therapy sessions, which are designed to provide further assistance in your recovery journey. Additionally, our Behavioral Health Treatment Program offers comprehensive care tailored to individual needs.

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