Admissions for Professionals

We would like to extend our warmest welcome for professionals who are seeking help for a drug and/or drinking problem. One of the things we know about addiction is that – it does not discriminate. People from all walks of life and all types of backgrounds are affected by addiction.

There is never a reason to feel ashamed if addiction, in any form, has entered your life. Addiction and alcoholism are both diseases. In the same way that people do not ask to develop cancer or diabetes, addicts and alcoholics do not ask to become addicted.

The decision to enter treatment is very brave. This is a time when positive life changes are taking place. Addiction cannot be overcome by willpower alone. Addiction is a disorder that requires treatment.

You do not have to live in the confines of addiction any longer. We are here to help. Our goal is your successful recovery!

“The truth is that almost two-thirds of Americans have friends or family members who have struggled with addiction. ~ William Cope Moyers

Should I Choose the Professional Track?

We offer a treatment program that is specifically tailored for professionals. We have treated a wide variety of individuals who are in the professional field. The process of recovery is similar in nature for most people; however, everyone’s treatment plan is slightly different.


The major contributing factor of our professional program that sets it apart from the other treatment programs – is the central goal of returning to your career.


We want you to thrive in all aspects of your life and your livelihood is an important part of your life.


Some examples of professionals who could benefit from this track are:

  • Doctors
  • Nurses
  • Lawyers
  • Psychologists
  • Pharmacists
  • Business executives
  • Business owners
  • Politicians
  • Veterinarians
  • Physician assistants
  • Pilots
  • Law enforcement officials

We have a highly skilled team that has worked with countless professionals in the past. Our goal is your continued recovery and success in professional life.

“People spend a lifetime searching for happiness; looking for peace. They chase idle dreams, addictions, religions, even other people, hoping to fill the emptiness that plagues them. The irony is the only place they ever needed to search was within.” – Ramona L. Anderson


You could be on the fence regarding your decision to enter rehab. We have provided a list of questions to help you discover if inpatient rehab will fit your needs.

  • Is your substance abuse interfering with your ability to work?
  • Has your drinking or using increased steadily over a period of time?
  • Has anyone in your family suffered from addiction?
  • Are you facing consequences in your career related to drinking or drugging?
  • Has your license to practice your profession been revoked?
  • Does your family express worry and concern over your use?
  • Are you obsessed with finding your next “fix?”
  • Have you ever resorted to any illegal activity to obtain drugs?
  • Has your employer suggested rehab?
  • Are you using drugs or drinking to mask painful feelings?
  • Do you continue using to avoid the withdrawal period?
  • Do you ever feel like you are losing control?
  • Have your relationships suffered due to drinking or drugs?


If you have answered yes to four or more of these questions, inpatient rehab for professionals could be right for you.


When you choose to come to our facility for help, you can be confident in knowing that we will take every measure to ensure your personal and professional success.


We know that this can be a frightening and confusing time in your life. Allow us to bring you peace, clarity, and hope.

Be Patient
We urge you to be patient with yourself. We are here to guide and support you every step of the way.

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Contact Us Now With Any Questions For You Or A Loved One

Are you or a loved one struggling with addiction? Don’t let it define you. Reach out to His House Addiction Treatment Centers today. With 12 locations across San Bernardino County, help is closer than you think. Call us now for a confidential consultation with one of our dedicated professionals. The first step towards a new life starts here.

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