Difference Between Alcoholism And Alcohol Abuse
Let’s discuss the distinction between alcohol abuse and alcohol addiction. If you think you might have a problem with drinking, you’ve arrived at the right place.
Alcohol Abuse vs. Alcoholism
Alcohol abuse and alcohol addiction are very similar in nature. The key difference that separates these two issues is the severity of the symptoms. Visit our alcohol rehab program page for more information on how we can help.
What Is The Difference Between Alcohol Abuse And Alcoholism?
We have provided a short overview of the difference between alcoholism and alcohol abuse.
Signs of Alcohol Addiction or Dependence
- High tolerance for alcoholic beverages
- Drinking to combat the withdrawal symptoms
- Loss of control when drinking
- Inability to stop drinking even if the desire is present
- Drinking regardless of any problems it is causing; such as financial, relationship issues, or legal ramifications
- Obsessive thoughts centered on alcohol
- Ignoring responsibilities in order to drink
Signs of Alcohol Abuse
- Continuing to use alcohol after being sick or hurt from it
- Beginning to neglect responsibilities due to drinking or being hungover
- Taking risks while drinking, such as driving or using other substances
- Drinking to avoid unpleasant feelings
- Choosing to drink over spending quality time with loved ones
- Preoccupied thoughts concerning alcohol
“I felt empty and sad for years, and for a long, long time, alcohol worked. I’d drink, and all the sadness would go away. Not only did the sadness go away, but I was fantastic. I was beautiful, funny, I had a great figure, and I could do math. But at some point, the booze stopped working. That’s when drinking started sucking. Every time I drank, I could feel pieces of me leaving. I continued to drink until there was nothing left. Just emptiness.” ― Dina Kucera, Everything I Never Wanted to Be
If you think you could be in the stage of alcohol abuse, we want to warn you that it could potentially turn into full-blown alcoholism at any time. Many ex-drinkers talk about an “invisible line” that they crossed at some point during their drinking career.
Alcoholism is a subtle foe; it can sneak up on a person at virtually any time.
If you are already in the depths of the disease of alcoholism, we want you to know that there is a way out. Alcoholism is a three-pronged disease. It affects the mind, body, and spirit. Visit our dual diagnosis treatment program page to learn more about comprehensive care for co-occurring disorders.
If you believe you fall under either of these categories, His House can help you escape the sorrows that are found at the bottom of an empty bottle.
Let us show you how! The difference between alcohol abuse and alcoholism is merely a matter of intensity of the above symptoms. Our alcohol rehab center treats both categories of drinking problems.
Treatment is very beneficial in overcoming a drinking problem. In fact, we believe that treatment is essential. Alcoholism affects every facet of a drinker’s life.
“Tomorrow! How sweet its prospects for a drunkard the night before. There is no better word. Before the earth hurls itself into sunshine, nothing is not possible.” ― Mary Karr, Lit
Alcohol problems do not discriminate; anyone can develop a drinking problem. More and more young people are discovering that they already have alcoholic tendencies and are seeking treatment. People who have been drinking their whole life also seek help in stopping drinking.
It does not matter if you are a teen or an adult; if you or a loved one have an issue with drinking, there is hope and help available. For additional resources, visit our inpatient residential treatment page or our Christian-track programs page.
Our drug and alcohol treatment centers employ a highly trained and skilled staff. Our professionals understand the importance of recovery from alcohol dependence in regaining a healthy lifestyle.
His House is a group of educated and compassionate professionals who will help you learn how to live your life alcohol-free.
Call Today
If you think you could be abusing alcohol, give us a call today! We are on hand 24 hours a day to help you begin a new and wonderful journey towards sobriety. For more information, visit our contact page and reach out to us.

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