Painkiller Addiction Treatment Program

Painkillers are some of the most widely abused drugs due to their easy accessibility. Painkillers are psychoactive substances that target your central nervous system. While their medical use is to numb pain in patients, their addictive nature often leads to addiction. The fact that painkillers are sometimes sold over the counter, even without a doctor’s prescription, makes avoiding relapse very hard on addicts.

Painkiller Addiction

There are many reasons why people become addicted to painkillers:

  • Those who experience chronic pain – these people often start gradually, without really being conscious about it.
  • Their tolerance to their prescribed medications increases, causing them to ask for higher doses to get the same effect.
  • Some become accustomed to how a certain pill makes them feel happy and thus take them even if their medical need for it is over.
  • Some see the desirable effects of the pills on others and would like to have the same side effects on them.

Dangers of Painkiller Addiction

The overall danger of painkiller addiction is that it can ruin both your personal and professional life. Specifically, there are many dangers that you are exposing yourself to if you persist in abusing painkillers:

  • Organ damage – if you take painkillers too much and too often, you are likely to damage your liver. Most of these pills contain acetaminophen which harms your organs when ingested frequently and in large doses. Your liver is the organ responsible for breaking down medicines in order for your body to eliminate their excess amounts through your urine. If there is too much acetaminophen in your system, your liver will be overworked in filtering them out. If your liver overworks too often, long-term damage will result. Painkillers can negatively affect the brain, the heart, and the kidneys as well.
  • Dangerous behavior – getting used to taking a variety of painkillers will find you scouring for more potent ones, even without a doctor’s prescription. This may lead addicts to illegal drugs just to simulate the highs they used to get from their prescriptions. Don’t let yourself be caught in this situation – look into going to His House painkiller withdrawal treatment right away.
  • Death – ultimately, with long-term abuse of painkillers, death will be knocking on your door. There is risk of overdose as tolerance increases or if painkillers are mixed with other drugs, especially alcohol. And even if there is no overdose, the long-term effects to an addict’s health may lead to serious medical and psychological complications.
“Time is still the best answer. Forgiveness is still the best painkiller, and God is always the best healer.” – Ritu Ghatourey

These dangers highlight the importance of seeking professional help from a drug addiction treatment center. Addressing the psychological and physical aspects of addiction is crucial for a successful recovery.

The Need for Painkiller Addiction Treatment

Because painkiller addiction can be such a daunting challenge to overcome, a professional addiction treatment program is often essential to a drug-free life. Breaking the chains of addiction requires a planned strategy. Here are the steps:

  • The first step in getting rid of your drug addiction is to admit your problem. This takes some courage and determination – many abusers feel they are deriving some benefits from taking the drug, or simply do not think they have a problem.
  • Get the right evaluation: A licensed painkiller treatment center will provide medical, emotional, and psychological assessments to determine your specific treatment needs and help you devise a strategy to attack painkiller addiction.
  • Enter an inpatient or outpatient treatment program: Often lasting 30 days or more, this will provide intensive self-care and therapy for recovering addicts. Most often the detox portion of treatment is the beginning of residential addiction treatment, followed by various therapeutic programs.

What to Expect in His House Rehab Center

A physician and a mental health professional will evaluate your physical and mental condition. Your evaluation in these areas will determine their recommendation as to how you will be treated. The treatment will be tailored to your particular needs. They may also ask you to undergo physical and mental examinations.

You will be given a choice between outpatient and inpatient treatment. Actually, choosing between the two will largely depend on your situation and the extent of your addiction. If you are far enough in your addiction, inpatient will likely be recommended. But if you are just starting your addiction, the doctors might recommend outpatient treatment.

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