Drug & Alcohol Rehab Treatment Center
Getting hooked on drugs is one of the sorriest things that can happen to a man. It is the start of an inexorable slide down the path of destruction. If addiction treatments are explored early on, rehabilitation becomes much more difficult.
A Primer on Rehab Treatment
Rehab treatment is a drug program that focuses on helping patients that are drug or alcohol abusers. Its primary objective is to help such patients identify their triggers for substance abuse and cease the use of drugs or alcohol. The program then helps these patients develop new skills that will enable them to cope with their addiction and sustain their long-term sobriety.
Some of the concepts used in rehab treatments are:
- Drug rehab for men can be an outpatient or inpatient procedure, depending on the status and needs of the patient.
- They can be on a short-term or long-term basis.
- They can be used for many abused substances including cocaine, alcohol, heroin, methamphetamine and other illegal or prescription drugs.
- Rehab treatments are effective in helping patients decrease their substance abuse.
- Individual rehab treatments offer a variety of combinations of therapies such as individual therapy, group therapy, medication management, family therapy, and support groups.
“I guess the worst day I have had was when I had to stand up in rehab in front of my wife and daughter and say ‘Hi, my name is Sam and I am an addict.” – Samuel L. Jackson
The Right Rehab Treatment Is Effective
Research conducted over the past 40 years has revealed the key elements that help build effective rehab programs. These programs are successful in treating issues in patients’ overall lives instead of just their substance addictions.
They encourage patients to develop new skills and share their emotional experiences which eventually help to facilitate their recovery.
In this regard, you need to determine if a drug rehab for men has the following elements before enrolling yourself or your loved one in it:
- Proven experience in treating your specific addiction and needs: There are programs that are designed for a particular type of addiction. Choose one that is just right for your needs.
- Certified professionals and counselors: If the rehab treatment facility employs licensed medical and mental professionals, counselors, and staff, you are in the right place. They have the credentials that you can be confident with.
- Dual diagnosis experience: All too often, drug addiction is related to mental illness. You need to check if the facility is able to deal with dual diagnosis. If both disorders are not treated simultaneously, the chance of relapse is very high.
“Staying sober is easy once you have been successful in healing the underlying conditions that were responsible for your dependency in the first place.” – Chris Prentiss, The Alcoholism and Addiction Cure
How Does It Work?
There are many elements of drug or alcohol treatment for men, and each one of them is important in treating the patient. Here is how the process works:
- First, you make the decision that you need help: The rehab treatment process cannot start until you admit to yourself that you need help and that you want to leave your substance addiction behind.
- Submit to an intake evaluation: After you have selected the right facility, you have to submit to a comprehensive intake evaluation on your first day at the rehab center. A staff member will ask you several questions about your drug or alcohol dependence. You will also be asked to undergo a medical and psychological evaluation.
- Taking the therapy: After your evaluation, you will either be admitted to a group, individual, or family therapy. This can be the most challenging part of your therapy, so steel yourself.
- Planning your life after the rehab process: Before concluding your detox treatment, you will be asked about your plans for aftercare treatment. This is designed to ease your way back to society.

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