Schizophrenia Treatment Center
Schizophrenia is a frightening but misunderstood disorder of the mind. Its negative effects are seen in both male and female populations; however, schizophrenia is especially problematic for men. Schizophrenia can materialize any time throughout a person’s life. However, the rate of diagnosis is more likely to occur during the teenage years. The ages of 16-25 are the years where schizophrenia is most likely to be diagnosed in men; it’s slightly later for women.
Schizophrenia affects approximately 1.2% of the United States population. Problems related to schizophrenia include:
- Hallucinations
- Thought disorders
- Problems with memory
- Delusions
- Depression
- Aggression
- Movement disorders
Schizophrenia is often a debilitating disorder. It is highly recommended that a schizophrenic seek mental health treatment. Our residential schizophrenia treatment center offers state of the art recovery management. His House approaches schizophrenia armed with the latest science and takes special interest in the unique issues men face regarding the disorder.
“Most people, if you live in a big city, you see some form of schizophrenia every day, and it’s always in the form of someone homeless. ‘Look at that guy – he’s crazy. He looks dangerous.’ Well, he’s on the streets because of mental illness. He probably had a job and a home.” – Eric McCormack
Schizophrenia and Men
Some studies suggest that men are more likely to develop schizophrenia than women. Males are most vulnerable for diagnosis between the ages of 18 to 25. These years are often crucial during one’s life. These are the years a person typically spends planning out the future, taking their first steps towards establishing a career and furthering their education. Identifying schizophrenia early and seeking schizophrenia treatment is a great way to curb the onslaught this disorder might cause. The early identifiers of schizophrenia appear gradually. The early symptoms are usually characterized by abnormal behaviors, unsubstantiated experiences or beliefs, restlessness, anxiety, and hallucinations. His House residential treatment center addresses these problems through substantial therapeutic and medical means.
While the diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia for men and women are the same, there is a degree of difference in how schizophrenia affects the two genders. Men suffering from schizophrenia typically have more trouble when it comes to making decisions. Schizophrenic men also suffer from extreme cases of inertia, making planning and completing tasks very difficult. Male schizophrenics more often experience joblessness and homelessness. Our residential treatment center attempts to address these issues and provide the means for schizophrenic men to live healthier lives.
“Some people say I’m unique, that there aren’t other people with schizophrenia like me. Well, there are people like me out there, but the stigma is so great that they don’t come forward.” – Elyn Saks
Brain Differences
Studies suggest schizophrenia is likely to occur in women who were exposed to viral infections, while men are likely to become inflicted simply from birth trauma. Differences in the brain exist between schizophrenics and members of the general population, but studies suggest brains of female and male schizophrenics also differ. There is a structure within the brain called the inferior parietal lobule, or the IPL.
- On the right hemisphere of the brain, the IPL relates to the perception of one’s body parts and reading facial and visual cues.
- On the left side, the IPL relates to spatial relations and visual perceptions.
In non-schizophrenic populations, men have a large IPL, with the left side being larger than the right. In schizophrenic men, the IPL is about 16% smaller, and the right side is larger than the left.
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