5 Reasons A Long Term Substance Abuse Treatment Center Is Better
We are living in a time when the acceptance, understanding, and availability of treatment for drug and alcohol issues is at its highest. There are many benefits to attending long-term treatment if given the opportunity. Below are a few reasons to consider.
1. Interaction with Staff
By signing up for a longer-term substance abuse treatment program, the individual will have the opportunity to connect more readily with treatment staff. Even better, if an individual is able to attend inpatient treatment, interactions with the clinical staff are possible 24/7. Staff can help if medical or emotional issues get triggered in the middle of the night, for example.
2. Time to Prepare for Transition Back Home
Treatment is based in the here and now. What can be left out, however, is a plan for what to do when an individual leaves the treatment setting and transitions home. Longer-term treatment programs ensure that there is ample time to create a solid plan for recovery post-treatment.
3. Screening and Treatment for Underlying Mental Health Issues
While engaged in longer-term treatment, an individual will most likely have the ability to meet with a doctoral-level psychologist and possibly a psychiatrist. This allows for the appropriate assessment and treatment of underlying mental health issues.
4. Stronger Connections with Treatment Groups
In time, after connections have been made with other patients, much of the significant work happens. Good working therapeutic groups do not form overnight. Time equals practice, which equals higher rates of success.
5. Sustained Sobriety through Extended Practice
The gift of time is one of the greatest gifts of all. This is especially true in treatment. Comparing a 10-day rehab to a 120-day program, for example, shows a completely different experience. Time gives a person perspective, strength, practice, and hopefully, sustained sobriety. The advantages of long-term substance abuse treatment are many. Many people leave treatment much too soon only to return to their unhealthy lifestyles in a short time. The more time a person has to begin to not only recover, but also to learn how to live in a new way, the more likely the individual will have success for years to come.
His House Rehab offers comprehensive long-term treatment programs designed to help individuals achieve and maintain sobriety. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support you or your loved one on the journey to recovery.