7 Signs That You Might Be an Alcoholic

7 Signs That You Might Be an Alcoholic

Whether you’re concerned about your own alcohol use or that of a loved one, it can be quite difficult to know for sure if there is a definite problem. The lines can blur, and people often become defensive. Therefore, the topic of discussion might be hard to initiate. After reading the following seven signs that you may be an alcoholic, you’ll likely have a clearer picture of just where you stand.

Drinking to Relax

Alcohol or other substances are often used as an emotional crutch in order to feel better or to unwind. Reaching for a glass of wine or your alcoholic beverage of choice on a regular basis when you’ve had a rough day can be a sign that you may have a problem. This is especially true if you feel you need alcohol to relax.

Hiding Your Drinking

If you frequently hide or lie about the amount of booze you’ve consumed, there is likely cause for concern. If you feel the need to downplay your drinking, ask yourself why that is.

Needing More to Feel the Effects

If you notice that you need to drink more just to feel a bit buzzed, chances are you’re developing a tolerance to alcohol. Tolerance occurs when your body gets used to a certain substance and is a definite sign that you drink regularly.

Neglecting Your Responsibilities

If the amount you drink has caused you to shirk your responsibilities or has gotten in the way of something you’d prefer to do, that’s a strong indicator of a problem.

Encountering Relationship Problems

Relationship problems due to alcohol can come in many forms. You should give some thought to your level of drinking if getting drunk becomes more important than the important people in your life.

Experiencing Impaired Judgment

If you drink in dangerous and risky situations or make poor decisions that get you into trouble, that is problematic. Frequent use of alcohol can impact your life in some serious and negative ways.

Not Being Able to Quit

Desiring to quit drinking, but not being able to means that the issue has moved beyond a social or leisurely activity. When the alcohol controls you, it’s time to seek help.

Having an alcohol dependency is not a sign of weakness. It takes a strong person to admit that there is a problem. Understanding these 7 signs that you may be an alcoholic can be the first step to finding a rehab program to obtain the help you need.

We can help, call us today. His House Rehab offers industry-leading Alcohol Treatment Programs. We were founded in 1994 and we base our Drug and Alcohol Treatment programs on five key principles: commitment, honesty, integrity, respect, and service. These five principles guide us in all that we do and all the care we provide. Contact us today to see how we can help you or your loved one.