The Dangers of Quitting Alone

The Dangers of Quitting Alone

When it comes to overcoming an alcohol addiction, it’s best to seek the help of qualified medical experts. Trying to quit alone can have many consequences. If you or someone you know tries to kick their addiction to alcohol on their own, they face a significantly high chance of failing, which could make a second attempt at sobriety that much more challenging. Aside from the demoralizing effects that a potential failure at trying to kick an alcohol addiction might result in, there are also severe medical complications that can result from trying to quit alone. If these medical conditions that form as a result of the alcohol detox process are not properly addressed, the results could become severe and in some cases even fatal. Some symptoms of alcohol withdrawal that could end up fatally if not properly monitored and treated include:

  • Detailed and vivid hallucinations (may last up to two days)
  • Seizures (may occur consecutively over the course of several hours)
  • Delirium tremens (often referred to as DTs) – these can cause very serious complications without adequate treatment.

Although Delirium tremens are rare, and only occur in a small amount of patients going through withdrawal, DTs are the most serious and life-threatening symptoms and include side effects such as:

  • Fever
  • Shallow or irregular breathing
  • Dangerously elevated blood pressure
  • Extremely fast pulse
  • Severe dehydration
  • Profuse sweating
  • Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep
  • Hallucinations
  • Confusion
  • Disorientation
  • Irrational thoughts or behaviors
  • Altered moods
  • Unconsciousness

Because of the fears associated with detox, many people who are suffering from alcoholism will not be inclined to seek treatment right away. However, there are signs to look for in either your own or someone you know drinking habits. If you can answer yes to your own, or someone else’s drinking habits when it comes to the questions below, it might be time to look for help:

  • Do you or someone you know drink larger amounts or for longer than intended?
  • Do you or someone you know want to cut down or stop drinking but can’t?
  • Are you or the person in question unable to manage responsibilities at work, home, or school because of their drinking?
  • Do you yourself or someone else continue to drink, even when it causes problems in relationships?
  • Have you or someone you know given up important social, recreational, or work-related activities because of drinking?
  • Does the person in question drink continuously, even when it puts him or her in danger?
  • Have they developed withdrawal symptoms, which can be relieved by drinking?

If a majority of the responses to the questions above are yes, it might be time to seek professional help as chances are that the person in question might, in fact, be suffering from an addiction to alcohol. As with any other medical condition, the faster that you seek professional help, the more you are increasing your chances of making a full recovery. Alcohol detox can be scary, especially with the information that was stated above, however, even the severe withdrawal symptoms can be properly monitored and addressed by health care professionals while you or someone you know detox alcohol. Alcohol detox is just the initial stage of treatment, and when properly done will leave a patient ready to move on with their journey to recovery.

After the detox from alcohol, services such as therapy: both family and group will help address a person’s addiction to alcohol by helping them realize the cause of their addiction and also address what services will be beneficial for their own recovery. Help isn’t far away, and the fears associated with detox shouldn’t be enough to keep you from getting your life back on track.

His House Rehab offers industry-leading Alcohol Treatment Programs. We were founded in 1994 and we base our Drug and Alcohol Treatment programs on five key principles: commitment, honesty, integrity, respect, and service. These five principles guide us in all that we do and all the care we provide. Contact us today to see how we can help you or your loved one.