During drug and alcohol treatment, you will challenge yourself to become a better person by overcoming your addiction. While treatment programs are designed to keep you comfortable, there are some things you can do to keep yourself sane when times get rough.
- Bring Comfy Clothes
Between the withdrawal symptoms and the feeling that you are on vacation, this is no time for fancy footwear. Throw on some pajama pants and slippers-or whatever makes you feel comfortable-and focus on enjoying some time to relax.
- Think About Your Loved Ones
It is important to keep sight of the reasons why you want to fight your addiction. If you have a picture, then pull it out. If not, then think about some of your happiest memories together. There will be many more soon.
- Zone Out on Music
If your rehab allows headphones, then get out your favorite music player and zone out. Stepping away for a few minutes can give you perspective. Just choose something upbeat that will lift your mood.
- Go for a Swim
The feeling of cool water surrounding your body can soothe your soul. If a pool is not available, then a brisk walk or workout can get your blood flowing and endorphins pumping.
- Remember Your Worst Moment
When you start feeling better, you can begin to feel that you don’t need rehab anymore. Yet, remembering why you came there can help you stay motivated to complete your treatment.
- Talk to a Someone
Treatment programs are full of understanding people, and it’s a guarantee that someone else has been in your shoes. Everybody gets frustrated in treatment. It’s part of the healing process. Talking to someone can help you find ways to renew your focus on sobriety.
- Count Down the Days
It may sound silly, but making those little stick lines or x’s on a calendar will give you a visual reminder that your time in treatment won’t last forever.
- Eat Some Food
Keeping your body fueled with healthy food will also help you to stay strong in rehab. Hit up the cafeteria or grab something from the vending machine for a quick mental boost.
- Write in Your Journal
Getting your feelings on paper can help you stay sane. Whether you write about what’s upsetting you or something completely different, you will feel a sense of relief to get it out.
- Plan Your New Life
Looking to the future is a great way to renew your desire to work through treatment. Think about all of the sober experiences you will enjoy, and set a few goals for your first year of recovery.
When things heat up in treatment, it is important to have a full bag of tricks to help you stay sane. Fortunately, any feelings of frustration are usually brief, and you can revive your positive spirit by focusing on the knowledge that you are already taking the right steps toward becoming a happier person.