12 Steps To Getting Your Son Into a Treatment Center

12 Steps To Getting Your Son Into a Treatment Center

When your son has a problem with drugs or alcohol, it can be heartbreaking. Sadly, many people struggle with addiction, and family support is critical for a person to successfully battle an addiction to drugs or alcohol. During the time that your child has been on drugs, they may have rejected your advice, pushed you away or even clung to you for help. Yet, you still have a responsibility to help them get treatment, even when they are grown and gone from your home. Fortunately, getting your son into a treatment program can be accomplished by following these 12 steps.

  1. Acknowledge that there is a problem. Denial will just keep you from acting.
  2. Talk to a counselor about how to plan an intervention.
  3. Explore potential treatment programs to mention during the intervention.
  4. Find family members and friends who will participate in the intervention.
  5. Host the intervention. Be prepared for things to get heated.
  6. Allow your son time to calm down and think things over. Have another discussion about his options.
  7. It may take several talks before your son accepts the need for help. Suggest the treatment programs you found in your earlier research. We can help you explain the differences and benefits between each one if he needs help narrowing down his choices.
  8. If necessary, search for more programs together.
  9. Contact a treatment program to schedule an assessment. Remember that some programs may accept him right away so bring a bag if he would like to start his treatment immediately.
  10. Accompany your son to the assessment.
  11. Help him prepare for his time away by gathering personal documents and belongings. The program should provide a list of items to bring.
  12. Offer to take your son to the treatment program, and find out how you can continue to provide support throughout his recovery.

The prospect of getting a child into treatment can seem overwhelming. Yet, all of the hard work will pay off when your child is able to enjoy a sober lifestyle. Keep in mind that your son may offer some resistance at first if you have never discussed their problem with drugs or alcohol before. However, they will likely come around to your way of thinking as long as you stand firm.

We can help, call us today 877-345-4138

For more information on the types of programs available, consider reading about our Detox Treatment and Inpatient Residential Treatment options. Additionally, our Behavioral Therapy Counseling services provide comprehensive support throughout recovery.