What Support Are We Offering To Recovering Opiate Addicts?
Opiate addictions are among the more difficult to treat successfully. Opiates make significant changes in blood chemistry and at brain receptors to which they connect. The result is that recovering addicts may have severe levels of cravings, intense physical withdrawal, and emotional difficulties. The leading programs offer a wide range of inpatient and outpatient services for opiate addiction.
Support systems can make the difference between success and failure in rehab. For opiate addiction, detoxification can be extremely difficult for some persons with high tolerances and long or intense histories of usage. For those addicts, detoxification can be severely painful and difficult to endure. Like an illness, the body reacts violently to the sudden removal of powerful substances that operate on the sensitive brain receptors. Inpatient, medically supervised treatment may be required for successful detox.
Methadone and Other Chemical Maintenance
Frequent relapses occur in heroin and opiate addiction treatments. This is part of the difficulty of treating them. Maintenance offers a reliable way to handle withdrawal symptoms that can be severe and painful in some opiate addictions. Family support is a critical element of any long-term successful treatment program. Heroin, and opiate treatment programs offer ways to include family support as part of the system of supports for the recovering addict.
Avoiding Rapid Detoxification
Many medically supervised treatment approaches suggest that the drug of choice may be the best therapy for avoiding detoxification issues, and proceeding to a drug-free state. A program that uses tapering may avoid the difficult steps away from opiates which can cause some addicts to resist treatment. The method essentially continues the recovering addict the drug of choice. The program provides counseling and therapy and a strict protocol for lower and less frequent dosages. By the end of the tapering program, the recovering addict is usually strong enough to discontinue the drugs.
Call Us; We Can Help
Opiate addictions require program and treatment resources that fit the life situation of the recovering addict. We have experience with the latest health insurance and related programs that follow the national policy of treating addiction as an illness. Call us when you or a loved one decides to take back a life from the grips of opiate addiction and seek treatment and recovery.