When Alcohol and Energy Drinks Together Cause Addiction

When Alcohol and Energy Drinks Together Cause Addiction

Have you become addicted to energy drinks mixed with alcohol? The idea was probably to stay awake later and party longer, but it backfired.

Read on to learn about the dangers of your habit and the ways that we can help you kick it.

A Dangerous Combination

Energy drinks enable you to drink more alcohol while masking its effects. This results in poor reflexes, coordination, balance, and judgment. The large quantities of caffeine in energy drinks cause a number of long-term health problems, and the high sugar content carries risks of its own. Both alcohol and caffeine are highly addictive.

If you’ve tried without success to kick the habit, you’ve come to the right place. We want to help and support you along your journey to a sober, productive life.

A Unique Treatment Plan

Your addiction is like no one else’s. That’s why our professional caregivers will address all aspects of your problem: your medical and mental health history, family life, emotional mindset and financial circumstances.

Every addiction has hidden roots such as depression, loneliness or fear. We’ll work with you to tease out those underlying causes and set you on a path to healing. Together, we’ll design the unique treatment plan that’s most compatible with your lifestyle and most likely to succeed. A number of options are available to you:

A First Step to Lifelong Support

By deciding to seek professional help, you’ve shown that you’re serious about putting your life back together. No one can do it on his or her own, and we want to help you build a network of support.

As you get to know other addicts in various stages of recovery, you’ll see that rehabilitation is a process. You’ll take hope and courage from the stories of long-time sober people who never gave up.

Don’t lose another day to alcohol and energy drink addiction. Reach out to us so that we can reach out to you.

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