Who Really Goes To Alcohol Treatment?
Anyone with an alcohol addiction needs to seek treatment at a professional residential or outpatient facility as soon as possible. You might wonder who undergoes rehabilitation for alcoholism, and the answer is simple.
Alcoholism affects every gender, age group and socioeconomic class because it is easy to access alcoholic beverages. In most environments, it is considered acceptable to drink beer, wine or hard liquor on a daily basis, and in many cases, drinking until drunk is commonplace.
Information Disclosed in Treatment is Confidential
You might avoid entering a detoxification facility or rehabilitation program due to fears about associating with the other participants or perhaps having other individuals learn about your addiction. When an individual enters an alcohol treatment program, everything that happens during therapy is 100 percent confidential.
One of the most important rules for daily Alcoholics Anonymous meetings is that group members are never to discuss anyone’s information with others. Because of this regulation, Alcoholics Anonymous meetings have become an important part of treatment for anyone with an alcohol addiction.
Alcoholism is a Common Disease
Within the United States, there are approximately 3 million individuals seeking treatment each year in one of our substance abuse programs. An alcoholic may display symptoms of alcoholism, but in many cases, the individual has created ways to hide the problem from others.
In the beginning stages of alcoholism, the signs of the disease are subtle with someone missing work or school occasionally or displaying poor performance that is often overlooked. Because an alcoholic is often able to make excuses for poor behavioral patterns, the problem continues, leading to a stronger addiction that is difficult to overcome.
How can you know if Alcohol Consumption is a Problem?
You might wonder if alcohol addiction is a problem in your life, and fortunately, when you contact one of our treatment centers, we are able to ask a few questions to determine if rehabilitation is needed.
To determine if you need help with drinking, consider these signs:
- Is drinking causing problems at home, school or work?
- Do you drink alcohol throughout the day instead of occasionally?
- Do you drive while or after drinking alcohol?
- Have you had an arrest due to drinking?
- Is your physical health and mental well-being declining?
- Do you hide your drinking from others?
- Do you crave alcohol when trying not to drink?
- Have you suffered from blackouts or dizziness after drinking?
How to Get Help for an Addiction to Alcohol
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then it is time to talk to one of our intake counselors at a detoxification or rehabilitation facility in order to begin treatment as soon as possible.