Why Christian Addiction Treatment is More Successful Than Traditional Treatment

Why Christian Addiction Treatment is More Successful Than Traditional Treatment

Addiction treatments take on all shapes and forms. No one treatment option is best for everybody, but if you can find the one that works for you, it can help save your life. In some cases, that treatment option is a Christian addiction facility.

People end up in Christian addiction treatment centers frequently after trying and failing with other methods. There are all types of people here, and not everybody comes in as a Christian. Faith-based treatment, though, puts the focus upon self-improvement through God and uses scripture as guidance. This is, of course, combined with traditional detox methods and counseling.

There are a lot of reasons a person may find this method more successful than traditional treatment. For one, Christian addiction treatment puts love and acceptance as a key emphasis in the program. Oftentimes it can be hard to see the light from the lowest parts of ones’ life. Frequently people who go to treatment have found themselves at the end of a long chain where love and acceptance were absent, and oftentimes this is the key piece of the puzzle that makes them whole again.

The Christian Fellowship itself is helpful too. Oftentimes when an addict leaves treatment, he or she will return to old habits and old friends and relapse. Providing a new fellowship and a new support network can help avoid that eventuality. Many people who come in broken leave and find the church as a rock that helps keep them sane.

There is also something to be said about the Christian treatment centers’ focus on the scripture rather than certain addiction-focused texts. Oftentimes people will find answers to questions they never even knew they had in the scriptures. That frequently can lead to breakthroughs in therapy wherein the addict will begin uncovering what may have made them start using in the first place. It can also be helpful for individuals who have struggled in twelve-step programs to have the Higher Power defined for them. It is a head start for some people who may not have had it before.

Christian addiction treatment is certainly not for everybody. It is not always a twelve-step program (though sometimes those principles are included in the program), and it is definitely non-secular. But for those it has helped, it was the only option all along.

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